Corporate Health And Safety

Corporate Health & Safety Services

Ensuring effective Corporate Governance

Corporate sector safety

Full Service Corporate Health & Safety Experts

Director awareness of their own moral and legal responsibilities under Health & Safety legislation, is key to driving a strong safety culture through a business.

GCC will assist your business leaders so that they understand how to wield their own influence and stay on the right side of the law. 

No Business is too big or too small

GCC have provided Corporate Health and Safety services, working with all size of business, on all sizes of project, for over 25 years.

Corporate Governance Health and Safety Image

Our Corporate Health & Safety Services include:


  • Target driven and goal orientated health and safety planning
  • Training arranged for business leaders
  • Business health and safety management systems
  • Legal obligations explained
  • How to influence change in your business


What our Clients Say…

“Our board of Directors are grateful to GCC in detailing our obligations and legal requirements in relation to health and safety.”
Karen C, Director, Public Services.

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